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These are the 2287 guestbook entries left by John Candy fans so far...

Leanne Gill Thu, 27 Sep '07
I grew up watching Mr.Candy now I share this pleasure with my family.We even got his sesame street movie just so we can see him.Even after all these years &reruns i will clear my timetable for his movies so i am very glad to see there is a tasteful website to honour his memories. My heart goes out to his family.Hopefully his fans will keep adding to it and keep his memory alive.

Bruce Adcox Sun, 23 Sep '07
To the Candy family,
Thank you for sharing John with us! Thanks to video, we can enjoy him forever. Although a short life, he brings much happiness to me and my children. We miss him and our prayers are with you.

Mark MacDonald Sun, 23 Sep '07
I talked to you in 1979 on
Avenue Toronto with my
Army staff car I wish we could have talked longer
I miss you.

Matt C - Derby, England Sun, 23 Sep '07
John was and still is a god! he was a genuine gentleman and will be sorely missed!

Woofer Wed, 19 Sep '07
We miss you, John...

*jogs over to the fridge for a beer*

travismfranklin Sun, 16 Sep '07
I Miss John Candy! He was an AWESOME Hilarious actor, why is it all the funny ones pass on so soon...RIP John! I will always be a fan and watch all your movies!!!

Joe Sharp Thu, 13 Sep '07
John Candy is absolutely the greatest Canadian EVER!

Zlactoc Wed, 12 Sep '07
A true comic Ledgend if ever there was one.

Lana Philp Mon, 10 Sep '07
John Candy was my favorite comedian and I miss him very much.My favorite movie was uncle buck.

Craig Thu, 30 Aug '07
I am currently studying at Second City in Toronto, the first day I went in, there was a lifesized photo of John Candy on the wall of studio 1- I was blown away just being there..he is a legend who has inspired many -including myself!

maxi Tue, 28 Aug '07
A la distancia lo recuerdo bien, la pelicula que mas me gusto, de las que vi, fue mejor solo que mal acompanado, gran labor de los dos protagonistas. Porque se fue de este mundo tenia muchas mas cosas por hacer

Dennis J. Ensminger Sat, 25 Aug '07
The movie: Trains, Planes & Automobiles always manages to stir memories for me. I live close to NYC and have been to Chicago and Wichita several dozen times. The scenes at Lampert Field (STL) just blows me away. Then as now, John Candy was a true classic. He will always hold a special place next to my DVD player

Wesley Compton Fri, 24 Aug '07
Just visited the Holy Cross cemetary. It took me three hours to find his stone. Although it was the best three hours ever spent. I had to pay tribute that brought this earth great art.

johncandyfans Mon, 20 Aug '07
Jeff Moehr here from Arizona. I was hoping to get to use the user name "Johncandyfan" since I use it on every site I join, but it was taken :(

Rick H. Sun, 19 Aug '07
And what a hoser, eh?

Rick H. Sun, 19 Aug '07
God, what a loss! It seems just like yesterday.

Peter Leggatt Thu, 16 Aug '07
There are only a few stars that when I think of that have passed away, I get a little choked.
Mr Candy is one of them!

CJ Sat, 11 Aug '07
I was watching "Stripes" today and was reminded, once again how much I missed John. He was so funny as Dewey. I forgot that I really loved this movie and it brought back memories of going to the theater instead of going to the store and renting. How impersonal!! Thanks for the memories!! CJ

ggekko12 Thu, 9 Aug '07
miss you John!

robert erives Wed, 8 Aug '07
john candy was a great comedic actor and a great man, he left a positive mark on the world.

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