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These are the 2272 guestbook entries left by John Candy fans so far...

The Chum Sun, 1 Oct '17
Watch every time his movies are on! He was the GREATEST. First class all the way.

Jim Thu, 21 Sep '17
I grew up with his movies and always looked forward to the next one. Great site for a wonderful human being. John, you are loved and will never be forgotten! Thank you for the laughs.

Bigfella601 Sun, 17 Sep '17
Hi John, am watching Home Alone tonight. Polka, Polka Polka.
Luvv Ya!!!

Stephen Bessant Sat, 16 Sep '17
John Candy is one of life's most amazing people and actors.
The complete works of Candy - will be number one on our collection.
John even though you have passed you will make us smile every day

Brook Bibb Sun, 10 Sep '17
Growing up watching John on SCTV was a life changer. A true genius with a humble side. In 1989, when Uncle Buck came out, I realized this is my favorite John Candy character. Buck was caring, loving, great with kids, but not a pushover. Wonderful qualities for all men to have. I just hope to have these qualities myself. Thank you John for all the laughs, your love you showed us through you films, and most importantly, your humility.

Richard Monzillo Sun, 3 Sep '17
Made me laugh Always,weather big or small roles,miss him much,one of a kind!Planes Trains Automobiles could have won him an Oscar;as good as Jackie Gleason!

Ever, Chihuahua, Mexico Thu, 31 Aug '17
Excellent actor, thanks for all the movies that you make for us.

Helen Sewell Sat, 12 Aug '17
Every time I watch Uncle Buck, many many times, I always cry at the end. He was a lovely man & everyone was sad when he died.

Vickie Roth Thu, 3 Aug '17
This is the first time I have looked up John Candy's Wikipedia and biography page and was brought to tears in the reading, I love to watch his movies over and over again because they always bring a laugh from me no matter how depressed I am feeling that day (bipolar disorder) why are the really funny guys gone way way too soon! After reading the pages I have today I am going to watch each and everything I can get hold of, I know that alone will be the greatest thing I can do for myself in watching the master at his best. !! I love you John Candy, now I will finish the movie Wagons East!!!??????

Polly Newton, Watertown, N.Y. Wed, 5 Jul '17
He is sorely missed by me & my family. I cant name a favourite movie he was in because they ALL were our favourites!

William Collins Mon, 26 Jun '17
I loved John Candy. He was a tremendous actor and he has some of the most memorable roles for me. He was definitely my favorite actor and he was taken from this earth way too soon. I just learned he had anxiety (like me) and we share the same birthday.I sure would've loved to have a few or 30 beers with him.

Taylor Kohl Wed, 21 Jun '17
one of the greatest talented entertainers of the century. A whole lot of talent, heart and gift!

Misanthropesandk Mon, 12 Jun '17
Still the Best !

ricky wilmoth jr Sun, 21 May '17
Great Actor Missed By All.Just Watched Cool Runnings. Such A Good John Candy Movie...

Dave Stanford Sat, 20 May '17
When I drove taxi in Seattle, I defused drunken frat boys' urge to screw with everybody by quoting " Hi Tom Tuttle, Tacoma Washington".sinc e I looked a lot like John Candy! One call, I knocked on an apartment door, and the partying quieted down and I saw the peephole get covered as I was being checked out. After an undue wait I knocked again and this time a guy looked around the open door and was startled. "Cab driver?". I said yeah, and 3 headknockers came out. We left + they were really quiet-unusual for partiers. I said "Why didn't you come out the first time I knocked?" The ringleader, in the middle of the back seat, hesitated, then said " Uh, we're all high on acid and when I looked out and saw John Candy I thought I was hallucinating!"

Mindy Greenberg Sat, 13 May '17
Miss Him made me laugh alot

Susan Stephenson Fri, 12 May '17
I loved him in stripes and other movies! My friends and I quote him in various rolls he had in movies, to this day. Miss him and his humor!

Bigfella601 Sun, 7 May '17
Hi all, just letting you know my wife and I did a trip to NYC & Connecticut recently which was incredible. We flew from UK, travelled by train from Grand Central and drove a rented car. The entire vacation we thought of Planes,Trains & Automobiles. I even had Ray Charles & Bill Munroe tunes on my memory stick.
Love ya John.

Fred Sanders Sr Sat, 22 Apr '17
Well we just can't get enough of the great John Candy! We're sitting here watching Uncle Buck, we're very great full for him and we prey for his family and pray his son has a great success! We're just totally lost for words.

Capt. Gerry Claytor, Cedar Key, Fl Sun, 16 Apr '17
'Have loved Mr. John since 'Second City'...and still enjoy all of his movies, as much as when I first saw them??

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